

I am a clairvoyant savant and metaphsyical and empath. I spend my time healing and finding the lost. I am a medium I like healing the dead, its of more interest to me….smiles. I prefer to be outside talking to trees than to a person sometimes. I am a spiritualist and study all paths. I am a witch , I love magic. I have odd abilities.... I see visions on objects, i can move things , my mind is a wonderland. I am a nature whisperer. I am an open person , i define that as being open to more love and respect not dishonor and hate. I really am looking for one person but am open to new friends and other people in my life , defined by me. Healing comes in many sizes and forms.If you are open to that send me a note....... i love new experiences and new friends. I am very vampiric and its living vampire not dead. I am a sexual vampire, I do not like compromising my beliefs for feed, its more of a permanent experience for me. I believe in being healthy to maintain a healthy body and mind. I am very much realm and I am vampiric. I think all things are vampiric to a point, all of us need more than food. I feed about everyway there is , food- i have found cooked meat and root vegetables help me more, emotions, elements , sexual feeding and blood. I will usually only feed from a life mate from the last two..i have very high energy and deep feed and people tend to hit the floor fast, i need a deeper lifemate connection to feed in that manner. I try to feed from the emotions i need from more people instead, and more things that pleasure me like and nature. I am realm.. Death and hate are not welcome but love and maturity are. I am very high in energy and in my mind . I love erotica, i love adult as long as the emotions are adult and not sick and immature. too many people make being adult and sexual a sick thing and its not , its part of who we are. its healing not sick. alternative relationships are healing and not sinful or illegal  

This blog is about my thoughts and emotions and my life experiences from my point of view....


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