
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Judgement and Learning

Judgement in Learning

Possession is an evil thing, notice I say thing..action not a person.  To me a person is not evil , while their actions can and are evil.  Sometimes when the action goes too far and the person does not learn , the act itself becomes a part of who you are , your person.

I dislike being testing, I try not to test others.  I guide you to see you are testing yourself , judging and punishing yourself.  I will guide you in teaching yourself and judging yourself but I will not guide you in punishing yourself. It is not my job to judge you but yet is, laughs.  I guide you to judge and test yourself and then teach yourself, that is my job.  I caught a few people testing me , not something any person should do to another.  I will not test myself , I test the situation but I do not ever test myself.  Taking it one step further relates to possession.  You are testing yourself for any reason , and you judge yourself , you find yourself unfit and then you punish yourself. This one act is evil and then gives evil a hold in your life.  Do you have the right to punish yourself ?  Do you?  Do you have the right to teach yourself pain and punishment? You do have the right to teach yourself the right way to be who you want to be but you do not have the right to act in a manner that is evil to your own person.  To do so is an evil action and then you open the door to the evil.
Evil is not a person but is an action. Evil is a spell and an emotion but still not a person.  A person if still charged with energy even have done evil has the right and ability to learn.  Did or would Adolf Hitler have the right to learn and live if he had the energy of the living in his soul , yes he does and did.  Evil is an action not a person. Are the living fallen , no they are not. Do you live and breathe , and do you call yourself fallen.  Why would you be fallen if you are breathing and have live..and you can learn ..learn and be alive.  Do you have the right to judge another be of mind if ye do so , you open the door to evil in your soul and your life and then you deal with the likes of me….

Food for thought


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